Mentally Healthy in Head Start (Children Learning, Growing, and Developing)
This workshop presents a Holistic Approach toMental Health Services
and Focuses on Early Identification of Staff, Children, and Parents who may need Mental Health services and provide participants with information that will assist them in providing comprehensive Mental Health Services to children with atypical behaviors.This workshop addresses the Performance Standards as they relate to Disabilities Services and what should be included in a Disabilities Services Plan.

This workshop presents the Possible Indicators of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Possible Causes of Autism, Behavioral Issues, and Classroom Strategies
Head Start and Health Services
This workshop provides participants with information relative to Head Start's commitment to wellness that embraces a comprehensive vision of health for children, families and staff

Parent Handbook
Mary Woodard, a former HSTARS/Inclusion Supervisor Palm Beach County Head Start/Early Head Start