Gentle Teaching

GT is a dynamic-interactive workshop that empowers caregivers to develop High-Quality relationships with children. These relationships in early childhood support the development of socio-emotional, and cognitive skills; consequently children have better language skills, more harmonious peer relationships and fewer behavior problems. Gentle Teaching Statements
  • The Main Premise is giving Unconditional Love
  • You must keep your own “Love Tank” filled; because, you can’t give something you do not have “Love”.
  • Love “Self” before you can Love others. The Key is Self-Talk
  • How caregivers interact with young children affects the children’s social and emotional outcomes negatively or positively.
  • Relationship Is The KEY!!
  • Gentle Teachers are Mentors and Role Models for Children
  • Young children learn how to behave from watching their Caregivers
  • Children Can Only Be what they See!
  • Use Your Eyes to Eyes to Look into the child’s heart, bring warmth, caring, and love.
  • Allow Your Hands to be Symbols of Love.

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