Program Management and Assessment
Risk Management (Building A System of Continuous Improvement )
Participants will be presented information/strategies that enable them to utilize tools to identify existing potential risk factors, systems-to-systems services risk and suggest a potential resolution.
It is important to an agency to have a clear Vision and Mission regarding Service Delivery. The Policies and Procedures are the Foundation that provides a clear and comprehensive pathway as to how to service delivered.
Fiscal Management must be sound with the necessary and balances to ensure accountability and purpose.
Seed Consultation Services, LLC offers Training and Comprehensive Technical Assistance for New and/or Established Agencies/Corporations. The Training and Technical Assistance are designed to Assess, Analyze, Correct, Eliminate and/or Prevent Non-Compliances and Deficiencies.
A comprehensive Assessment of the Agency’s Operation Will be conducted. In addition, a review of the Policies and Procedures, Record-Keeping and Reporting, Monitoring and Fiscal Management systems will be completed. Where necessary, Revision/Corrections will be made.
New programs will receive Technical Assistance to aid them in the development of Management Systems.
Nonprofits organizations will now be able to identify and develop processes which make them successful in securing grants and governmental funding, identify the gaps in nine management systems, and reduce repeated findings. Consequently, the overall program operations will be strengthened, reduction in the loss findings, and the elimination or reductions of charge-backs. This will enhance compliance and ensure the provision of high quality services of clients. The assessment and analysis will aid in the identification of the root causes of program challenges.
Training will be provided to all staff to ensure complete understanding and competency regarding the implementation and review of necessary Policies and Procedures.
This formalized system that access the agency's internal structure of its operations and identifies the gaps. This approach has been proven to be successful in identifying compliance issues, organizational gaps and risk factors.
Emergency Preparedness (Ready To Respond)
Participants will be presented information to assist staff in responding to emergency situations, to use with family members concerning emergency planning, and provide a basis for the restoration of services.

Ongoing Monitoring (Making It Effective)
This workshop presents A Discussion of Strategies and Tools that makes for Robust Ongoing Monitoring

Management Systems and Procedures
This capacity building workshop provides information that aid participants in establishing dynamic and cohesive management systems that support continuous improvement and foster commitment to providing quality services to children and families in accordance with federal regulations and policies.
Self-Assessment (Your Foundation for Building Program Excellence)
Participants will be presented with information that shows Self-Assessment as a Key Management System that supports Program Improvement and TA Planning