Socio - Emotional Development
Key to Enhancing Socio-Emotional Development
Gentle Teaching (GT)Enhances Socio-Emotional Development
: An Effective Application of CLASS Dimensions.This Interactive training presents Gentle Teaching A Positive Approach To Working With Others. The Central Theme is that Caregivers give Unconditional Love. As a result of the training, Caregivers are empowered to become Gentle Teachers by being able to develop and maintain positive relationships; The Key, to Socio-Emotional Development in Children. In addition, Challenging behaviors are significantly reduced and/or eliminated.
This supports CLASS, which is based on the Belief that the Quality of Interactions in a Classroom is the most Important Contributors to Child Development and Learning.
Understanding the connection between Self-Talk and one's Love Tank; the key, to becoming a Model Gentle Teacher.
GT has an available Assessment and Modeling Component
Social-Emotional Milestone and Responsive Care-giving
This capacity building workshop empower caregivers to understand the needs of infants for security, exploration and emotional identity as they grow, identify six stages of social-emotional development, and understand and practice strategies for responsive care-giving

Understanding Social-Emotional Development and Cultural Diversity
This capacity building workshop empowers participants to be more intentional about teaching social-emotional skills, collaborating with families and other professionals to create a supportive early childhood environment, and understanding the impact of language differences on classroom behavior.